If you have a vinyl wrapped car, you may be wondering if it's possible to wash and detail it just like a regular car. The good news is that, with a few precautions, you can easily maintain a wrapped car.
1. Wash as usual: You can wash a wrapped car using the same methods as you would for a regular car. Just be sure to use a mild detergent and a microfiber cloth to avoid scratching the wrap.
2. Avoid high pressure washes: High pressure washes can potentially damage the wrap, so it's best to avoid them. Stick to hand washing or using a low pressure wash at a car wash.
3. Avoid waxing: Waxing a wrapped car can cause the wrap to become slick, making it more prone to damage. Instead, opt for a vinyl wrap sealant to protect the wrap and maintain its shine.
4. Be gentle when drying: Avoid using a rough towel or chamois to dry a wrapped car, as this can cause scratches. Instead, use a microfiber towel or a soft, absorbent cloth to gently blot the water from the wrap.
Vinyl wraps are a durable and long-lasting option for customizing your car's appearance. With proper care and maintenance, a vinyl wrap can last for several years.
If you have any questions about caring for your wrapped car or are in need of vinyl wrap maintenance, let the professionals at DNZ Customize help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you with keeping your wrapped car looking its best.